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Feel the Zen: 17 Self-Care Tips for Women

Self-care is an essential, not a special treat. Read on to learn how you can prioritize yourself with our guide to self-care for women.

At The Good Patch, we know life gets stressful, but if you feel that way, you certainly aren’t alone! Between work drama, family obligations, and social life, it is easy to forget to pay attention to our own needs. 


The pressures on women can be overwhelming, and it is often wrongly suggested that focusing on yourself is selfish or overindulgent. Self-care is a wonderful way to avoid burnout and remind yourself to take a step back and enjoy life. It takes a combination of introspection and action to figure out what you need for that to happen.


Everyone benefits from self-care, but today we’ll focus on how women, in particular, can take part in this often-overlooked practice. When the stressors start to build up, sometimes all we need is to look inwards to recenter and relax. 


Keep reading for 17 self-care tips you can begin today!

What Is Self-Care?

The beauty of self-care is there is no single definition. In a broad sense, self-care is a term that refers to all the actions we take to create and carry out a healthy, happy life. 


Given its flexible meaning, self-care has very few rules because we simply don’t all have the same needs. Some of us work full time, some care for family members, and others study for professional life. However, the only rule to follow is that there is no right or wrong to self-care!


For some, it involves habits that bring us energy to power through the day, like getting enough sleep or drinking coffee in the morning. In comparison, others need self-care to relax, perhaps with morning yoga or by treating themselves to The Good Patch Ultimate Zen Duo.

Why Practice Self-Care?

More importantly, why not? If there are concrete steps you can take to feel your absolute best, it would feel silly not to take them.

As we said, women are faced with standards and pressures that men often do not experience. Even today, in 2022, the caretaker role often falls on women. How can you be expected to fulfill the responsibility of caring for your loved ones if you aren’t caring for yourself?

Above all, self-care is for you. It may enable you to handle the rest of life’s challenges more easily, but at the end of the day, caring for yourself is a necessity regardless of your other responsibilities.

How Do We Practice Self-Care?

Now that we’ve convinced you of the importance of self-care, here are some self-care ideas to adopt (or adapt) as you see fit:

1. Stay Hydrated

Water is one of the most important things for life, so why not give it a top place in yours? Staying properly hydrated lets us feel and look good. 


Studies suggest drinking enough water supports: 


  • Sleep quality
  • Brain function
  • Immune system
  • Digestion
  • Healthy, happy skin


Plus, being hydrated will give you the motivation you need to keep up with the rest of this list!

2. Take a Stroll

Whether you live in a big city or out in the countryside, make time to go outside every day for a walk and some fresh air. Try setting aside even 30 minutes a day to dive into your favorite podcast, get on your feet, and move, especially if you find yourself sitting the rest of the time. 

3. Get Plenty of Exercise

If walking doesn’t quite do it for you, there are many ways to get active. Going for a jog is an obvious next step, but don’t forget about popular alternatives like cycling or yoga.

4. Eat What YOU Want

Just because something is promoted as the healthiest option, there’s no need to force yourself to eat it. Find healthy foods you enjoy rather than choking down that one so-called superfood you can’t stand. 


As a matter of fact, let yourself enjoy your favorite junk food once in a while; just remember, everything in moderation!

4. Sit With Your Thoughts

Decompress whenever you have the time by setting aside your phone and simply being in the present moment to check in with your thoughts. Our Be Calm patch is perfect for those who may have trouble unwinding. 

5. Meditate

Once you begin to enjoy sitting with your thoughts, throw in some deep breathing, and you’ll be well on your way to meditating. A very personal activity, mediation is a great form of self-care.


Start with a few minutes each morning and get in touch with your mind and body. Try not to get held back by the idea that you need the ideal environment. If it seems daunting, experiment with one of the many meditation apps to find something that works for you.

6. Explore Your Creativity

Attend an art, dance, or poetry class and delve into your creative side. Too many of us claim not to be creative, so leave your inhibitions behind and check out a beginner class — it can’t hurt to try!

7. Go on a Date With Yourself

We know to treat others how we want to be treated, so why not treat yourself how you want to be treated? Consider the following ideas for spending time with yourself:


  • Visit a local museum and get inspired for that new sculpture class you joined after the last tip.

  • Plan the perfect picnic. Bring your favorite book and enjoy an afternoon in the park with delicious wine and cheese.

  • Go to the movie theater for that film you were waiting for to be available to stream … and nothing beats movie theater popcorn for dinner. 

9. Sleep

Allow yourself time to get enough sleep every night to tackle the next day feeling energetic and refreshed.


Our Dream patch is just right for anyone who struggles to get enough ZZZs. 

Speaking of numbers, research recommends seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to function and feel your best the next day.

10. Learn To Nap

A nap can be a powerful thing when done correctly. This means something different for everyone, but even 20 minutes a day can push you over that after-lunch lull and rejuvenate you for the evening to come. 


Napping is thought to have restorative properties, and despite some misconceptions, it can actually lead to better sleep at night!

12. Become a Proud Plant Mother

Make do with your available space, even if that means a DIY windowsill garden. Nurturing a plant has been shown to have real physical health and mental health benefits by boosting the air quality and your mood. Let your plant take care of you while you take care of it!

14. Switch Off the Technology

Find a moment to disconnect from the world of text messages, work emails, and social media. Maybe this is a cabin retreat for a weekend or just a break on Friday afternoons. 


Pressing that power button can have many overall health benefits, from better sleep to reduced stress levels. 

15. Start Your Day Off Right

Your self-care routine starts in the morning! Set your alarm early enough to have a routine beyond the usual scramble to make it out of the house on time. 


Have a good stretch, read the paper, or prepare a balanced breakfast — trendy overnight oats are a perfect compromise if you want a hearty meal but don’t want to wake up that early.

16. Declutter

Instead of being a pain in the butt, transform cleaning into another of your self-care activities. Having extra stuff around is distracting and is known to lead to more stress and worsened mood. 


This doesn’t mean you must tackle your whole house all at once. Choose a space important to you and devote 15 to 20 minutes one day to tidying it up.

13. It’s Okay To Say “No”

Everyone overextends themselves sometimes, so remember it’s totally valid to say “no” to plans or errands when you realize you don’t have the time or desire to do them anymore. Learning self-care is essentially learning to prioritize yourself, after all. 


Don’t let that to-do list turn into an insurmountable hurdle! Boundaries are essential.

17. Make Some Plans

On days when you do feel up for it, social interaction is incredibly important for your overall well-being. Having plans with friends or family to look forward to can make all the difference when the days turn into a slog. 


Maintaining close relationships has a wide range of emotional health benefits.

8. Hug Your Loved Ones

Physical touch is important for meaningful connection, and especially since the pandemic, some of us have been missing it. Giving someone close to you a big hug is certain to boost your serotonin levels!

To Summarize

Perhaps none of these tips sparked your interest, and that’s okay! If you take nothing else with you, remember that you deserve to prioritize your needs, goals, and pleasures in life. 


Self-care is a never-ending loop of finding things to do for yourself that make you feel your best, whether that be emotionally, mentally, or physically. Remember, there is a vast difference between being self-focused and being self-centered or selfish. 


Prioritizing yourself is, in fact, necessary to be able to prioritize the people and responsibilities around you. Hop on over to The Good Patch online store to see what we can do to improve your path to better self-care!



What is Self-Care? | ISF 

The importance of hydration | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Four Benefits of Houseplants | SD State

How Sleep Works - Why Is Sleep Important? | NHLBI, NIH

The Benefits of Switching off Technology | GRIFFITH

How decluttering your space could make you healthier and happier | Mayo Clinic

Health Benefits of Social Interaction | Mercy Medical Center

The benefits of napping | Harvard Health

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