our blog

Setting Intentions & Sticking With Them
Going through each day with intentionality can be a powerful way to shape your life and see the changes you want to see. It’s all too easy to flip on...

How To Become a Morning Person & Like It
“The early bird gets the worm.” We hear this expression all the time, and unfortunately for those of us who like to sleep in once (or many times) in a...

How To Practice Mindfulness To Reduce Stress
Do you often hear the term “mindfulness” tossed around? Many of us have heard of this word, but it remains a mystery regarding what it is and how we can...

Bedtime Rituals That Aren't Counting Sheep
Restful sleep is one of the best forms of self-care, so why not set yourself up for success? At The Good Patch, we know what it’s like to struggle to...

Stress and Periods: Dealing With Aunt Flow
Your period can cause stress, and stress can affect your period. Escape this cycle by getting your cycle on track with a few tips and tricks.

Morning Routine Ideas for Your Best Self Yet
Mornings are what we make them, so let’s turn them into a space for happiness and health! Explore our morning routine ideas you can start today.

35 Wellness Gifts for Life's Common Struggles
The winter can be hard, but gifts always make it just a bit easier! Come and see our top wellness gift picks to get over any bumps in the road.

How to Practice Self-Love Every Single Day
Loving yourself is one essential key to a happy and healthy life. Make self-love a daily practice with these thoughtful tips with The Good Patch.