our blog

Why Are My Eyes Puffy in the Morning?

Wake up to a fresh start each day! Understand why your eyes might be puffy in the morning and find effective solutions for a brighter, healthier look.

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Witch Hazel for Skin: Soothing Irritation

Dive into the benefits of witch hazel for skin. Learn how its soothing properties combat irritation, paving the way for radiant, healthy skin.

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How To Write a Letter to Yourself: Self-Love Edition

Want to give yourself some self-love? Try writing yourself a letter. Are you unsure how? This article will tell you everything you need to know. 

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How To Calm Down This Holiday Season

Embrace the festive spirit minus the stress! Learn how to calm down and enjoy this holiday season to the fullest with useful and effective strategies.

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A Holistic Health Coach’s Guide to Routine

As summer movement transitions to the slow-down of fall, sometimes it feels like we need a magic boost to get back on track. We sat down with one of our brand...

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Setting Intentions & Sticking With Them

Going through each day with intentionality can be a powerful way to shape your life and see the changes you want to see. It’s all too easy to flip on...

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How To Become a Morning Person & Like It

“The early bird gets the worm.”  We hear this expression all the time, and unfortunately for those of us who like to sleep in once (or many times) in a...

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Women’s Equality Day

In honor of Women’s Equality Day we had a chat with our CEO, Cedar Carter, to delve into her thoughts and tips as a strong female leader. Here’s what she...

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